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Faculty of Education


indonesian language and literature education

Educational Administration

The education management study program provides graduates with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to have competence as managers of educational units and developers of educational management praxis.


Non-formal Education

The Non-formal Education Study Program studies the concepts of pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy, as well as student centered learning. Graduation degree is S.Pd.


Special Education

Learn the basic concepts of special education theory (special pedagogy), the basics of design, approaches, and concepts to identify students with special needs.

french uny

Guidance and Counseling

The Guidance and Counseling study program produces guidance and counseling science development experts, consultants, and lecturers at the undergraduate level.

tp uny

Educational Technology

Studying the fields of cultivation, theory, and educational technology professions as well as the use of processes and sources of learning facilities.

guru sd

Elementary-school Teacher Education

The Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program studies the principles and theories, curriculum principles, approaches, strategies, models, methods, techniques, teaching materials, resources and learning media in elementary schools.

kebijakan pendidikan uny

Educational Policy

Learn the concepts and theories of classical, modern, and contemporary education, knowledge of various educational policies, knowledge of the policy process including policy needs analysis, planning, policy decisions, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of education policies.

music uny

Early-childhood Teacher Education

Learn about development, education and learning theory, plan learning in development fields in an integrated manner, study approaches, methods and media for development in the field of development, as well as learning evaluation theory for students.

dance uny


Psychology Study Program studies human mental processes and functions, the influence of the brain and nervous system on behavior, personality theories, theories of human development, and the concept of human relations with their environment.

indonesian language and literature education

Educational Administration

Aims to produce masters who can solve problems related to educational administration by using educational theories and conducting studies, development and solving problems of educational administration; and has broad academic and/or professional insight in the field of education administration who has the authority as teaching staff and developers or instructors of education and training centers that require educational administration expertise and as researchers and program developers in education and training centers or other educational institutions.


Early-childhood Teacher Education

The PAUD Masters Program is able to create professional developers and educators for early childhood. The main research relates to the academic and policy areas of Early Childhood Education. The studies are carried out with the support of programs from the institution, DIKTI, and other relevant institutions.


Special Education

The Out-of-School Education Study Program develops and strengthens the academic atmosphere in order to achieve graduates who are able to carry out assessments, plan, implement and evaluate interventions, to develop theories and practice innovations for special education services in accordance with the cultural context in accordance with the development of special education science and adaptive technology.

french uny

Guidance and Counseling

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program has a vision to produce superior, creative and innovative guidance and counseling science development experts based on piety, independence and intelligence.

tp uny

Educational Technology

The Learning Technology Study Program aims to produce graduates who have competencies as Instructional designers, Multimedia developers, E-learning developers, Learning resources managers, Trainers and researchers in the area of ​​learning technology.

guru sd

Non-formal Education

The Masters Study Program in Out-of-school Education/Non-formal Education prepares excellent masters and can strengthen the capacity of Non-Formal Education oriented to social entrepreneurship. One of the routine activities is carrying out community service activities.

kebijakan pendidikan uny

Educational Policy

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music uny


The study program of the Psychology Masters Program aims to equip students with competence in the field of psychology which is focused on psychological research and intervention.




Primary Education

Primary Education

The Basic Education Doctoral Program  aims to develop elementary school education science which includes the science of learning and learning for elementary school children based on culture and children's world, and the application of primary school education research methodologies.

Educational administration

Guidance and Counseling

The Guidance and Counseling Doctoral Program has a vision to produce superior, creative and innovative guidance and counseling science development experts based on piety, independence and intelligence.

educational science

Education Administration

Educational Management Doctoral Program aims to produce graduates who are able to develop knowledge and tips on education management based on local wisdom, technology and art in the field of education management, professional practice of education management and have the ability to analyze and solve educational management problems using various theories relevant.


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Doktor - CBT Domisili DEFFER- Gel. Khusus


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Magister - CBT Domisili  - Gel. Khusus

Magister - CBT Domisili DEFFER- Gel. Khusus

Magister - PORTOFOLIO Gel. Khusus

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